Operated by Clark County, the Southern Nevada Children’s Advocacy Center brings together child abuse professionals in one location where they work collaboratively to:

  • Reduce the amount of trauma children experience

  • Enhance response to child maltreatment

  • Support the needs of child victims and their families

Staff at the center are highly skilled professionals who comprise a multidisciplinary team including child protection workers, law enforcement officers, medical providers, prosecutors, family/victim advocates, forensic interviewers, and mental health professionals.  This team works collaboratively to provide necessary services to the child with the least amount of negative impact.  The forensic interview is the cornerstone of the process, done by trained forensic interviewers while key team members observe from a separate location, the forensic interview is child-friendly, supportive, and designed to reduce the number of times a child is interviewed about abuse.

For additional information on the SNCAC, please visit:

Family Advocacy and victim support is integral and fundamental to the SNCAC response.  Their team of dedicated professionals are available to help families in crisis to:

  • Navigate through the CPS and law enforcement investigative process
  • To reduce trauma for children and non-offending family members
  • To coordinate victim services
  • To encourage participation in the investigation, treatment, and support services available to children and families

Family Advocates connect with children and families during the initial visit to the SNCAC. They are readily available to provide an orientation of the SNCAC to explain the investigative processes including the Forensic Interview and Medical Exam and to educate families on the dynamics of child sexual abuse. Family Advocates are available to answer questions, provide support, and give up-to-date information to families.

In the aftermath of victimization, when children and families are coping with the emotional impact of the initial report and the ensuing process, experienced staff are here to help and are dedicated to the safety and well-being of child victims and their families.

The forensic services department provides specialized forensic interviews, extended forensic evaluations. Interviews occur in a child-friendly environment where specialized forensic interviewers and evaluators obtain information in a non-leading, non-threatening manner. Forensic interviews are digitally recorded, allowing all professionals involved in a case to simultaneously view both live and recorded interviews, rather than subjecting a child to repeated interviews. If a child does not disclose during the forensic interview, but there is other evidence to suggest victimization, forensic evaluators are available to conduct extended sexual abuse assessments. This allows a child the opportunity to disclose what, if anything, occurred.

Through their team of dedicated and highly trained medical professionals, the SNCAC conducts onsite victim-centered sexual assault exams to children who have been suspected of being abused. Conducted in a child friendly environment, the medical staff seeks to minimize the child’s discomfort and fear during the exam while obtaining recorded evidence that may be utilized during court proceedings.

We strive to increase public awareness of child sexual abuse through outreach and prevention.

In order to prevent child abuse in our community, each of us must educate ourselves about abuse and make a personal commitment to stand up for children. We must do this as individuals, organizations, and, ultimately, as a community.

Child sexual abuse is everyone’s business and it is preventable.  Learn how you can stop the cycle of child sexual abuse:

  1. Know the statistics.
  2. Educate yourself on the signs and symptoms of child abuse.
  3. React responsibly.
  4. Call the child abuse and neglect hotline: 1-702-399-0081
  5. Support an agency that helps children.
  6. Start talking to your children at an early age and talk often about their bodies and how to protect themselves.

General partners of the SNCAC include staff from the following agencies and county departments:

  • The Children’s Advocacy Center Foundation
  • Clark County Department of Family Services
  • Clark County District Attorney’s Office
  • Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department
  • Henderson Police Department
  • North Las Vegas Police Department
  • Boulder City Police Department
  • Mesquite Police Department
  • Paiute Police Department
  • United States Air Force Office of Special Investigations
  • Nevada HealthRight
  • Red Rock Psychological Services


The SNCAC has completed an intensive year long re-accreditation process and received the highest rating possible by the Washington, D.C. based accreditation agency – the National Children’s Alliance. This re-accreditation is akin to the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval of best practices for children and families of sexual abuse.

How the CAC Model Works